Exciting things are happening on the Burslem Branch Canal!
Work is starting on clearing the line with monthly work parties taking place on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Also Burslem Port Trust is working with the Canal & River Trust on an exciting project which will see a trail being created which will bring the history of the canal to life.
[img_assist|nid=183|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=226|height=320]AN OPEN DAY
will be held at Middleport Pottery on Saturday March 28th between 11am – 3pm, so drop in and talk to us if you are interested in joining in with the physical work or helping us in the following areas:
- Funding
- health and safety
- photo cataloguing
- digital media
- marketing/ public relations
- events
- writing the trail
If you have some skills to offer or are enthusiastic about your city then your contributions can really help this project. We look forward to welcoming you.
We also want to hear your memories of the canal and the places beside it. We will have a display of historic images from the Burslem Branch Canal and the Middleport area. If you lived or worked in this area we would love to meet you.