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Junction with Trent & Mersey Canal

The junction will be positioned slightly to the east of the original Burslem Branch Canal junction. This area will be one of the main visual features of the development. It is anticipated that this area will be popular with pedestrian visitors who will enjoy watching boats moving along the main canal and in and out of the branch canal. As the arrival point for boaters, it needs to look welcoming.

Detailed description

The junction is to be moved slightly to align it with the narrow section immediately to the north. A major considerations is to ensure sufficient safe manoeuvring room and good sight lines for arriving and departing boats. Boats will not be able to pass in the narrow section so a waiting area will need to be provided very close to the junction, probably to the east side of the new junction where visibility is best and where there will be a towpath.

The process of creating an exist from a navigable waterway is well established due to the recent creation of lots of canalside marinas. Canal & River Trust will require some form of barrier at the entrance to the canal so that it can be closed off in the event of a breach. This will most likely be a single flood gate, but provision for stop planks may be acceptable (and significantly cheaper.

The land immediately next to the Trent & Mersey Canal has not subsided significantly but drops sharply by a metre or so parallel to the canal about 10m from the water's edge. It is likely that land will have to be made up on the north east side of the junction.


The Trent & Mersey Canal is owned and operated by Canal & River Trust. The land where the branch canal begins is owned by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, with Morston Assets and Severn Trent Water being adjacent land owners to the west and east respectively.


British Waterways, boaters, adjacent landowners, local community, walkers, anglers.


This project would have to be delivered in close partnership with Canal & River Trust, who will have very specific requirements of any connection with their waterway. It will no doubt have to be delivered by an approved contractor. There is limited scope for volunteer-led activity in this area.