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Valley area

The valley to the east of the canal is largely undeveloped marshland. This area is a natural valley but was enclosed when the Trent & Mersey Canal as built in the 1770s. The site would be ideally suited for an urban nature park where the natural features could be presented to visitors via a series of trails. The views of the Wildlife Trust in this respect would be useful. The site is a potential link between Burslem Port and The Grange.

Detailed description

It has a number of storm drains visible at the southern end but it is not known which of these are used and whether some of them could be removed. The valley carries a small stream but mostly looks like a marsh.

It may be possible to use parts of the slope to provide other types of recreational facilities for young people, such as a skateboard park or off-road cycle track.

As well as the valley, this area has been defined to include the two pools at a higher level at the south east corner of the site. These are largely contaminated (though anglers have been seen) and overgrown but could be recovered to become an asset as part of a nature park.


Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Severn Trent Water


Local people, walkers, cyclists, anglers, nature lovers.